September 19, 2024

Wins and Woes

April 3, 2024

Wins and Woes

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Trump and Biden clash over border issues, with Trump's inflammatory remarks in Michigan drawing criticism for describing immigrants as "animals." Florida Supreme Court approves nation's strictest 6-week abortion ban, to be decided by voters in November amid hopes of flipping the state blue. Judge in Trump's New York criminal trial expands gag order after Trump's online attack on the judge's daughter; Trump posts $175 million bond for civil fraud case appeal. Israeli airstrike kills seven World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza, halting famine relief efforts. Biden secures historic $25 million in campaign funding, backed by Obama and Clinton. Wisconsin governor vetoes bill banning high school transgender athletes from competing based on gender identity.

For those who read...

Yesterday, Boeing released a statement announcing that three of the company’s highest seats were stepping down, causing a massive stir in the aircraft business during an already tenuous time. 

This Week In Must Know News…

  • With primary elections down to one candidate each, Trump and Biden battle it out over border issues, with mounting inflammatory remarks. In Michigan, Trump addressed the influx of illegal border crossings seen under President Biden, describing immigrants as quote “animals,” language experts warn is violent and dangerous. It’s no wonder that polls are showing the 2024 election is the most unpopular ever, with both candidates deemed unfavorable by over 50% of voters.
  • The Florida Supreme Court approved a 6 week ban on abortion, the strictest in the nation. The proposed amendment will take effect in 30 days, though voters will decide in November on whether to keep it in place. As a result of strong opposition to the ruling, President Biden’s campaign believes they have a chance to flip the deeply red state in the upcoming election.
  • and the judge on Donald Trump’s impending New York criminal trial expanded the partial gag order against him after Trump attacked his daughter online. The former president is now barred from insulting family members of judges and attorneys not mentioned in the previous ruling. As for his civil fraud case, Trump posted a 175 million dollar bond while he works on an appeal. If it is rejected, he will have to pay an additional 289 million.

In Other News…

  • Seven World Central Kitchen workers were killed by an Israeli airstrike while delivering food in Gaza. The killings interrupted the American charity foundation’s efforts to curb famine in the region.
  • Biden raised a historic 25 million dollars in campaign funding last Thursday, supported by former presidents Obama and Clinton. The sum adds to his campaign aid that is already triple that of former President Trump.
  • and Wisconsin’s governor vetoed a bill that would have banned high school transgender athletes from competing on teams that align with their gender identity.

Border problems and dehumanizing comments leave voters unimpressed (AP, ABC)
Florida abortion ban emboldens Biden’s re-election campaign (NBC, Reuters)
Trump gag order expanded while he pays 175 million in bond (NBC, BBC)
Seven aid workers killed in Israeli airstrike (AP)
Biden raises 25 million dollars in campaign funding (NPR)
Wisconsin Governor vetoes anti-trans bill (CBS)