September 19, 2024

Pink Side Of The Moon

April 22, 2024

Pink Side Of The Moon


Bulletin Brief

$95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan + TikTok (Reuters, NBC)
Man dies after lighting himself on fire (NYT, CBS)
New Restrictions on Oil and Gas Drilling in Alaska (AP, Reuters)
New Title IX provisions. (AP)
Maine mary jane operation up in smoke after DEA bust (AP)
Tesla slashes prices and stock plunges (AP)
April’s Pink Moon (CBS)

For those who read...

In Must Know News…

  • The House of Representatives passed a 95 billion dollar package that will send much needed aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The bipartisan bill will now make its way to the Senate for a vote later this week, where it is expected to pass. Ukrainian President Zelensky has since expressed his thanks in their urgent time of need. Shortly afterwards, the House voted that Tiktok’s parent company must sell the app within 9 months or face a ban in the US.
  • A man died after setting himself on fire outside of the courthouse where Trump’s criminal trial is underway. According to official reports, Max Azzarello, 37, threw conspiracy theory pamphlets on the ground before lighting himself ablaze. The incident does not appear to be connected to the trial, which officially begins today, as 12 jurors decide whether to convict Trump on 34 felony charges in a historic legal battle.
  • The Biden Administration said it will restrict oil and gas drilling as well as mining in Alaska in an effort to combat climate change. The statement angered Alaskan officials, who referred to drilling and mining as the state’s economic lifeblood. While regulations will block oil and gas development across over 10.6 million acres, existing operations will continue. 

In Other Notable News…