September 19, 2024

Garland In Contempt

June 13, 2024

Garland In Contempt



Despite all of these recent atrocities, the international community has largely turned a blind eye to the crisis. While the UN Security Council has made calls for a ceasefire and the United States has imposed sanctions, the fighting rages on, leaving a trail of civilians in its wake. The International Criminal Court has launched an investigation into potential war crimes, but the Sudanese government and RSF have stayed silent on the allegations. 

For those who read...

Good morning everyone! My name is Jake and today is Monday, June 17th. You’re listening to Current2 Politics, brought to you by Just Bagels! 

Today, we are taking a look at the civil war in Sudan–a crisis that has been raging in the northeastern African nation for over a year now, and one that the world has largely ignored. 

The fighting began in April of 2023 between the Sudanese military and a paramilitary group called the RSF after they were unable to agree on how to share power in the country. Since then, the conflict has resulted in the displacement of just under 10 million people, making it the largest displacement crisis in the world. And yet, no one’s talking about it!

Much of the violence is concentrated in the western region of Darfur and the capitol, Khartoum. Entire towns and villages have been burned to the ground, with satellite images and reports confirming that these fires were deliberately set as part of the conflict. Many believe the RSF to be behind a number of these atrocities, including a recent massacre that left 200 civilians dead. By recent, we’re talking just about 2 weeks ago.

That is just the beginning, however. El Fasher, in northern Darfur, has drawn a lot of international attention in recent weeks. According to reports, there is no food in the markets, no access to healthcare, and humanitarian aid is severely limited. Efforts to deliver aid are often hindered by constant shelling of hospitals, roads, and neighborhoods, largely committed by the RSF..

A quick break from politics for a word from our sponsor: Current2 is the easy way to get the news, and Just Bagels is the easy way to get a delicious, authentic NYC bagel. Delivered fresh, never frozen, right to your door with free shipping and handling - get your day started the right way by visiting and use code “news” for 10% off. Back to the Sudan crisis:

Despite all of these recent atrocities, the international community has largely turned a blind eye to the crisis. While the UN Security Council has made calls for a ceasefire and the United States has imposed sanctions, the fighting rages on, leaving a trail of civilians in its wake. The International Criminal Court has launched an investigation into potential war crimes, but the Sudanese government and RSF have stayed silent on the allegations. 

As the war rages on and the humanitarian situation worsens, the people of Sudan are in urgent need of attention from the global community.

That’s all for now, enjoy the rest of your Monday and thank you for listening to C2 Politics, keeping you informed on the issues that matter.

Bulletin Brief

Why is the world ignoring Sudan? (DW)
Fire as a weapon of war in Sudan (NBC)
200 civilians killed in Sudan draws UN attention (CBS)
Northern Darfur siege draws international attention (WP)