September 19, 2024

Bump Stocks Are Back

June 17, 2024

Bump Stocks Are Back



The Supreme Court struck down a ban on bump-stocks, which allow regular rifles to fire up to 800 rounds a minute. Trump banned the gun accessory in 2017 after the Las Vegas shooting that killed 58 people. A federal judge ordered Alex Jones to liquidate his assets in order to pay the $1.5 billion defamation verdicts owed to the Sandy Hook victims’ families. Jones had previously claimed that the massacre was a hoax. Nine were injured after a gunman shot up a splash pad in a Detroit suburb; two victims remain in critical condition, while the suspect has been found and appears to have committed suicide. No motive has been established yet.Israel’s military announced that it will enact a daily halt in southern Gaza for 11 hours to allow aid into Palestine. The FAA stated that they have begun investigating Boeing and Airbus for their alleged use of counterfeit titanium in their aircrafts. Princess Kate made her first public appearance since her cancer diagnosis, attending the Trooping the Color parade. Charles Barkley announced he’ll retire from broadcasting after next year’s NBA season, assuring fans that his career isn’t over yet. 

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In Other Notable News…

Have a great start to your week, and thanks for listening to Current2, the easy way to stay informed!

The Bulletin Brief:

S. Court removes ban on bump stocks (AP, CNN)
Alex Jones to liquidate assets in Sandy Hook verdict (NBC, CBS
Suspect dead, 9 injured in Detroit suburb shooting (AP, Reuters)    
Israel pauses to facilitate aid on S. Gaza road (Reuters
Boeing and Airbus may have used ‘counterfeit’ titanium (NBC
Princess Kate first seen publicly since cancer diagnosis (CBS)
Charles Barkley to retire from broadcasting after next NBA season (CNN)